Tag: Drupal 8

The following is a list of Drupal interview questions for Technical skills Senior Drupal Developers

If we save any node, then that table gets saved in the database.If we save any user profile data, we save it in which table gets saved in the database.How to Fetch Data From Database & Display Drupal 8How to store data in a database from a custom form and render data in a twig … Continue reading The following is a list of Drupal interview questions for Technical skills Senior Drupal Developers

Drupal 8 interview questions for experienced Drupal Developer

1. Where do I download a base theme for Drupal 8? As of this writing, you don't. It's true that there are a few themes that have tried to keep pace with Drupal 8 in the pre-beta phase. These are admirable efforts, but none have kept up with the rapid pace of D8 development. I tried … Continue reading Drupal 8 interview questions for experienced Drupal Developer

Create a custom form in Drupal 8

Create a custom form in Drupal 8

In Drupal 8 form API is similar to Drupal 7 Form API. forms still uses array structure to render the data. but having separate validation and submission form.Drupal 8 has some new (HTML 5) elements available. New HTML 5 elements like 'tel','email','number','date','url','search','range' etc. In Drupal 8 Form classes implement the \Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilderInterface and the basic workflow … Continue reading Create a custom form in Drupal 8

PHP to OPcode caching enable in Drupal 8

1.Goto >> C:/xampp/php/php.ini edit this file and at very last add this code... 2.  Then add this line into the file      [opcache] zend_extension=php_opcache.dll ;Determines if Zend OPCache in enabled opcache.enable=1 3. Then restart your apache server